Saturday, August 18, 2012

iHerb Rewards Guide - Learn more about iHerb Rewards program

iHerb's reward program

Iherb rewards website has been updated with a new video explaining their highly popular rewards program. More details about getting your own promotion code (referral), how to promote your own coupon to friends, family etc, multilevel earning system, and more:

iHerb Rewards Program:

iHerb's reward program is a great alternative to Google Adsense and Amazon Associates. I wrote more about it here: What is the best? Amazon, iHerb, Tradedoubler or Adsense

If you wish to learn more about iHerb. Check this blog post: 8 simple reasons why iHerb is the best affiliate network

$10 Iherb discount coupon:

Iherb has the $10 coupon offer available to new customers again:

"If you are currently an iHerb customer, let your friends & family know about the great value iHerb offers and instantly save them $10 on their first iHerb order of $40 or more. Plus, orders less than $40 will still receive $5 off!" 

Make your first order and get your referral code via this link.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How to get website backlinks for free?

Where to get free backlinks - Social Bookmarking sites

Here are some of my favorite places where to get free backlinks. Only listing places that are not so well known:

#1 - 25 free backlinks via SocialMonkee

Review: SocialMonkee is a great way to build free backlinks easily. It even have a plugin to help you to submit your sites. You can submit your links via SocialMonkee website too. Free version is limited to 25 daily backlinks, and only one site can be submitted per day. Premium version has 100 backlinks, and 3 submits a day. If you are not really active blogger, you do just fine with the free version.

How to get started: SocialMonkee website

#2 - TraffUP

Review: Traffup has a nice concept of getting website visitors by points. You get backlinks easily by adding your sites to Traffup, and only assign one point for each visitor. You start up with 100 points, and you can get more points by visiting other websites. You can also use points to get more Twitter follower or retweets.

How to get started: TraffUP website

#3 - 2500+ free backlinks via IMT Website submitter

Review: Before you get too excited. Quality of backlinks of IMT website submitter isn't the highest. It's a nice way to get your website indexed thought. You can currently submit your site to 2509 websites. It's gonna take a while. Just leave it on when you have nothing else to do... No registration needed!

How to get started: IMT Website Submitter website

#4 - Various other backlink places

PR (PageRank) 1-7 sites:

Tired and bored? Visit, and get your 5 dollar discount from your first your order by visiting my link

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What is the best? Amazon, iHerb, Tradedoubler or Adsense

How to gain some extra income with your website or blog?

I think I’m not the only who is bored to see online ads that offers you a huge income, and you barely have to do anything. If you think that there is such an easy or a quick way to make money...This blog post is not for you.

I don’t know anyone who is making their living just by blogging or hosting a website with online ads. Do you? Internet friends doesn’t count...

You can make some extra income with your website/blog, but you have to find the right partners, and work hard. I’m listing four of my favorites:

Important! Before applying to any of the advertisers listed. Read the terms and conditions first!

Google Adsense or Amazon Associates or iHerb or maybe Tradedoubler? Here’s my review:

1. - Online Health Store

Their multi-level reward system is getting more and more attention. Hook up one customer, and you're done! Do it many times more, and you have a huge potential to make nice earnings. I've been a happy iHerb customer for few years now, and I've been suggesting their products to all my friend.

All you need to do is to make one order from their site iHerb, and you get your own discount code that you can share with your family, friends.

For health blogs and superfood sites this is a must to have affiliate program. With other sites you just have to be creative with your ads! Just like with this blog. ;)

Taken from iHerb's reward page:

"Recent data analysis, conducted in October 2011, found that iHerb customers referring 3 or more people over a year ago earned an average of $240.00. And the figure for customers referring 10 or more people was $640.00."

How does this work? Your earnings:

Level 1 - 4% - from those who have used your discount coupon
Level 2 - 3% - when lvs above you have shared their coupon code
Level 3 - 2%
Level 4 - 1%

More about the iHerb reward system:

How to get started with iHerb? visit: Make your first order with a coupon YUY952 and you will receive a $5 discount. Once you have done your first order, you will then get your personal code that you can start to promote. - Pros and Cons:

+ You can start earning even without a website
+ If you have many friends (also on Facebook and other social media), you should gain your first referrals easily.
+ Multilevel commission. Commission is paid up to four sub-levels.
+ Adblockers doesn't block your ads
+ You can advertise on your website, forum signatures, bulletin boards (gym, flea market etc..), give the coupon to your colleagues at work etc..
- No revenue from impressions or clicks
- You need to build your own ads
- Starting up can be hard, if you don't have that many friends, and use social media.
- Multi-level marketing has a bad reputation.
- Jealousy. People doesn't like links that have a referal code in it, even if there is nothing to lose. iHerb and other referral bases services allows blogger and website owners to earn from their hard work.

2. Google Adsense

Ad service provided by the Google. If you haven't heard about Adsense before, this must be your first time on the Internet. Google Adsense works on both PPC (Pay-Per-Click) and impressions (PPV = Pay Per View). Google Adsense is easy to set up, and it's a well known and trusted.

More details:

Google AdSense Pros & Cons:

+ Setting up adsense account is easy (for example if you have a Blogspot blog platform in use, there it can be installed directly)
+ Possibility to display ads as images or as text only
+ Payments are made directly to your bank account
+ Google will pay for both clicks (PPC) and impressions (PPV) (fees may vary depending on the advertiser)
- No commission from sales
- Ad sizes are pre-set (choice is moderate)
- Ads can be blocked easily via Adblocker add-ons and softwares.

3. - Amazon Associates

With Amazon Associates your earnings comes from commissions. Amazon Associates can earn up to 10% in referral fees.

I have great experiences as customer in and I recommend their services to many of my friends. It's easier to work with affiliate networks, when you use products you are marketing.

How to get started: Amazon Associates

Amazon Associates - Pros & Cons:

+ Possible to make your own referral links (as above), so the ad-blockers won't work
+ More you sell, the higher the commission percentage will be
+ Amazon's ad tools are filled with possibilities
- Ad-blocking software will prevent the general image ads and widgeds completely
- No revenue gained from clicks or impressions

4. TradeDoubler

Tradedoubler is available on the following countries: Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Russia, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, United Kingdom

Tradedoubler is a PPC and commission based. You should read the terms and conditions carefully, before applying for any of the advertisers.

Get started:

Tradedoubler - Pros and Cons:

+ PPC and commission based.
+ Allows you to make your own ref-links (prevents adblockers to block your ad)
+ Paying revenue directly to the bank account
+ Possibility to display ads in pictures or just a plain text (link)
+ commissions from sales and clicks (depending on the advertiser)
- If your application gets rejected by the advertiser, it's not possible to apply again to the same advertiser. Make sure your site is following the guideline set by the advertiser, before applying!
- Ad-blocking software blocks image ads completely.
- PPC amount set by some advertisers can be very low.

Important! Before your sending your applications to any of these advertisers, make sure you have read their terms and conditions!

Get your natural health products from, and get a 5 dollar discount from your first order by using coupon YUY952

Sunday, April 8, 2012

8 simple reasons why iHerb is the best affiliate network

8 simple reasons why iHerb is the best affiliate network

We are all looking for the best affiliate network. My favorite is iHerb. You may wonder why someone running a SEO blog is using an online health store as the main affiliate network? Let me tell you why:

Let's start with a quote from iHerb‘s rewards page, shall we:

“Recent data analysis, conducted in October 2011, found that iHerb customers referring 3 or more people over a year ago earned an average of $240.00. And the figure for customers referring 10 or more people was $640.00. “

How about setting up a new goal. One new referral per day...

1: Multilevel earning is the key

iHerb's referrals system works on four different levels aka multilevel. Once you have gained a new referral. You are getting 4% of each order he or she makes. Then the best part: If he or she shares up his/her coupon, you are getting 3% of each level 2 purchases their referrals make. Up to 4 levels!

How does this work:

4% from level 1 referrals
3% from level 2 referrals
2% from level 3 referrals
1% from level 4 referrals

I know multilevel affiliate networks has a bad reputation, but iHerb doesn't have any buying or resale requirements. You are not signing for so sort of monthly membership or anything else that takes your money away.

2. No country limitations - You can get new referrals from all around the globe!

I have no idea, if there are any other multi-level referral programs that will work internationally. I'm getting referrals from USA, Finland, Croatia, Ukraine, China....

3. No website - No worries

If you don't have a website. You can still get income from iHerb reward system. Just pass the code with method that works best for you.

With the coupon code system, you don’t have to worry about customer using your links.

Here are some ways how to get new referrals:

- Using your coupon code as web forum signature (if it's not against website rules)
- Share your discount coupon to your friends, neighbors, family, soccer team...
- Have large social networks around you? Make sure you use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, MySpace...
- Stick your coupon to bulletin boards
- When sending emails to your friend, Use your coupon as your signature (don’t spam. It's against iherb's rules)

4. Getting your ads blocked - No problem

With Google Adsense your ads can be blocked completely. With iherb it's nearly impossible, as you can build custom links and text + you design your banners by yourself. Make sure you don't name your banners as "adbanner.jpg" etc.

5. Health products are great!

Once you have made your first order from iHerb, you can give first hand experiences about iHerb to your friends, family etc. It's always easier to recommend a service you use yourself. I have made many orders from iHerb myself, and I won't be stopping. They have great discount prices, and service. I would be buying products from them, even if I wouldn't get any benefit from their reward system. How can you beat that?

6. Not having a health or medical blog or website?

Who wouldn't need health products? I'm running various websites, and never felt like "health niche" would limit getting new referrals. I think it might be just another way around. You just need to be more creative with your ads. You can use the same links with all of your sites.

7. New campaigns regularly

There are new discounts and campaigns every now and then. Most of the campaigns will help you to gain new referrals more easily. All the iHerb coupons have the same benefits and value.

8. iHerb reviews! Best just got better

As April, 2012 iHerb reward system just got better:

"The more reviews you write on your iHerb "MyPage," and the more helpful they are, the higher are the chances that new visitors to iHerb will see your page--and use your coupon code to place their first iHerb order. Earn valuable rewards: We have attached your coupon code to your reviews; so, if a new customer visits iHerb for the first time and clicks on any of your reviews, your coupon will be applied to the shopping cart automatically! "

Think about Amazon's review system, if you would gain rewards from it!

New to iHerb? Visit at, and when you make your first order with a coupon code YUY952 - you will get a $5 discount from your first order! When your order is complete, you will then get your own coupon that you can start sharing with your friends!

Friendly reminder: Before starting make sure you have read FAQ and Terms & Conditions carefully. This applies on any affiliate network!

Other affiliate & Ad networks: See review: Adsense vs iHerb vs Amazon vs Tradedoubler vs Linkshare.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

4 things that are blocking your affiliate marketing success

If your affiliate marketing career is slowing down - Check these 4 tips!

Some basic tips to help you to succeed better with your affiliate marketing career:

1. Money - Not ready to spend money to gain money

I was first against spending any money with online affiliate marketing. I thought I could do everything free myself. "It’s online, how hard can it be?", but after seeing
results after buying some services. I have to admit that I wasted couple of good years trying to do everything manually. Lesson learned.

When you are beginning your career on online affiliate marketing. There are many pros that are making money online, and who are more than happy to help "newbies" to gain success. Of course, this service doesn’t come free. Check out services like fiverr to find people that will boost your career. Read the reviews, and join discussion forums. Always trying to learn from the pros (it’s not always easy to find who really is making some income).

Be careful what you are buying. You don’t want to waste your money buying EBooks that are promising high income in short time. Only way to make "fast and easy money", is to write a guide promising you just that.

2. Giving up too early - Never too late to start over again

Success doesn’t come in one night. Don’t dream too big. Online marketing means long days in front of your computer, but it will get easier later on. Starting is always the hardest part!

You need to build up your social network, getting involved on web forums, building links, advertising. First it feels pointless, but you will notice at some point, that your are getting good in this! You’re article writing skills have been improved a lot since the beginning, you are getting new contacts faster, your are getting reputation from others. Bigger the network around you will grow, easier it will get.

Even if you think you have failed before, it's never too late to start again!

3. Having the wrong affiliate network

I’ve been using various affiliate networks since late 90’s. It took me good 10 years to find out what is the best affiliate network for me. What works on others, might not work with you. Always keep your eyes open on new ways to gain extra income. Just make sure you are using trusted services. This is where finding all the right discussion forums come handy.

Related: Adsense vs Amazon Associates vs iHerb vs Tradedoubler (review)
(external link)

4. Don't believe everything you read.

Don't get upset when you read things like:

Easy, fast, huge income, no work, fill forms, 300 dollars/hour, watch this video... 99,9% time this is not the way how people are making money online. I've seen them all. Affiliate marketing has a bad reputation thanks to this BS.

Install WOT (Web Of Trust) Of course it's not 100% accurate, but it will scrape of the most crap that is out there. It also free and does save plenty of your time.

Tired and bored? Visit, and get your 5 dollar discount from your first your order by visiting my link

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Add an HTML sitemap and increase your PageRank

Adding an HTML Sitemap can increase your PageRank

I added an HTML sitemap to two of my other blogs, and I was surprised that the month old blogs got a PR1 on their first Google updates. I thought it was just a lucky coincidence. Yet, I had to test it even more with one of my blogs that I started 2007, which didn’t have a Pagerank value at all! Well...I added an HTML sitemap, and bang! PR1 on the next Google update. I didn’t do anything else, and the site didn’t get any external linking.

Google Pagerank levels:

No value (weakest level)
PR10 (Highest level)

How did this happen?

1. Google gives much weight for the internal linking
2. All the older blog posts get crawled again thanks to sitemap
3. I did update some of the older blog posts, and Google thought that the blogs are regularly updated. I didn’t do this for the 2007 blog.
4. Stars were aligned perfectly

If you don’t believe about importance of HTML Sitemaps to your blog/website. Maybe you believe when someone from Google tells you?:

Stay on top of your game, and visit, and get your 5 dollar discount from your first your order by using coupon YUY952
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